Whitby Beach Huts

On paper  –

16 Whitby Beach huts

On canvas  –

16A whitby Beach Huts - Canvas

When you visit Whitby and look out to sea you are, by a quirk of the coastline, looking north rather than east as you might expect.

The result of this is that around mid-summer the sun rises out of the sea and sets in the sea.

I have spent many contented hours either up on the top or down by the beach huts watching sunsets.
It is an activity I never tire of.

This place, down by the beach huts, carries many happy memories for me and the painting on my wall helps bring them all back.


Availability of Paintings

I do my paintings using Brushes App.
They are done on my iPad.
That means the original image is on a computer rather than on paper or canvas.

I print them off on a good quality printer to good quality paper (or canvas).
I then have them mounted and framed and hang them on my wall.

I have chosen, almost from the beginning, to display them on the web as photos
of the paintings. To put the computer image up would be tantamount to giving my
art away and that does not seem right somehow.

I could sell framed copies (I have sold some) but to be honest I have no
motivation to put in the effort and energy which doing that requires. I would
much rather use that effort and energy in making more paintings.

I have also had requests from people who would like particular paintings on
their own walls and I have invariably allowed them to use the computer image to
print them off.

So, pondering all that, I have decided that the way forward will be  –

1. I will continue to display on the web using photos of paintings.

2. If you would like a copy for your wall then email me and I will send you a
computer image.

3. If you do print it off and hang it on your wall then I ask two things –

A. You take a photo and email it to me.
That would be nice for me.


B. You make a donation to a charity of your choice.
I have no desire to know the amount (none of my business)
But it would be nice to know which charity.

So that is the deal


8 Responses to “Whitby Beach Huts”

  1. Now this one is superb! The light is fantastic. It looks terrific on canvas too.

    And it is also very special. 🙂

    Love you loads



    • Thank you Christine,

      It has been a pleasure to have you follow me round the gallery today 🙂

      I think they look better on canvas, but to do all my paintings that way would be too expensive!!!

      Love you loads

  2. I like this one very much, very atmospheric 🙂

    A pity those houses are not there in Winter, and when we were there in Summer, we didn’t get to that place. Must go and revisit 🙂


  3. gorgeous view with the light !
    groetjes, Francina

  4. Wonderful light. Wonderful painting.

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